Aishna Mishra
Aug 18, 20202 min read
Unchartered Destinations - Part I
What comes to your mind when someone says ‘Indian Tourism’? For many Indians, Indian Tourism is all about those prominent places - Taj...

Shefali Bhardwaj
Aug 8, 20204 min read
10 Things to do when you are at your lowest point in life
We all have had that point in our life where things just felt like they keep falling apart, like it’s the worst phase of the life. It...

Aug 7, 20202 min read
"You have a terrible figure to wear a dress like that." "You’re not cool enough." "You are ugly, no one likes you." If we say such things...

Kaustubh Kumar
Aug 5, 20203 min read
Encaustic Painting-A Taste of Fine Art
Encaustic painting is something which you don’t come across very often these days. The beauty lies in its simplicity and the number of...

Shruti Pandey
Aug 5, 20202 min read
From Emotional Chaos to Order
We are all well aware of the theory that your mind has this hidden pocket of deeply planted emotions that come to surface only when you...

Purvi Patawri
Aug 4, 20203 min read
Nine Hidden Gems of India You Must Visit
Majuli, Assam A river island situated on the Brahmaputra became the first district, which is also an island. Majuli is home to the...