All the latest on the International front
From the United States of America, all the way up to the Marshall Islands, it's seldom that we find ourselves facing a lack of issues on the international platform. If like most, you too weren't aware that there exist a 195 countries (arguably) in the world, each facing a distinct issue albeit terrorism, poverty or any of a hundred other problems, you needn't sit in a conundrum under a rock any longer. With the most technical quagmires broken down to its bare elements, you too can talk about issues that may not directly affect you, but surely give you brownie points in any conversation.

Shruthi Satheesh Kumar
Shruthi Satheesh Kumar is a history geek with a good eye for Art and Architecture. She is very passionate about spreading awareness on today's societal issues. She is also a painter, illustrator and a watermelon connoisseur.
Joel Konrad Minj
Since my boyhood I'm driven by my passion for art. Things unique and evolved easily catch my eyes and history often inspires me. Fortunately, my thirst for knowledge has given me a nickname "geek". I developed an interest for journalism when I started editorial designing. Magazines seemed like a good medium for me to express myself in art and writing. Besides that I like watching documentaries and maintain few Spotify playlists.