All the latest on Politics
Tired of gauging opinions from biased and prejudiced reports of political developments written by people who have seen too many winters to attract the youth of today. Maybe it's time you turn your attention to articles written by your peers, engraining their take on political incidents around the world with no one to censor their penmanship. They write, for your pleasure.

Apurba Ranjan
An avid reader and an Ardent football enthusiast. I come from the quaint state of Jharkhand. I love connecting with people around me and that is what lead me to work with local farmers in my area to help them procure benefits under government schemes and various other resources. In my free time I love engrossing myself in banters on Twitter and voraciously reading through Thriller based novels.
Eshan Bajaj
When not completing college assignments, Eshan can be either found reading a book or on Twitter. His love for reading is only rivalled by his interest in law and politics. He is a nature lover and an advocate for climate change action. He has designed an idea to help aid water conservation, a project that has won accolades at various platforms, including being selected to represent India at the world's largest Science Fair, ISEF 2020. He also loves Cricket, is a huge fan of the Percy Jackson series and, strongly agrees with Albus Dumbledore that "Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic.