The latest on the most controversial and detailed analysis on significant issues clouding our society
"Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both influencing injury, and remedying it" ~ Dumbledore. Indeed, words can make or break a company, product, or even a person. With a pen mightier than the sword, we invite you to shape your thoughts as we present to you, articles, views, and notions; so very unique that they will provoke you to think, and urge you to look at things around in an "oh so different" perspective. This may just be the source of indulgence you've been looking forward to exhilarate your outlook and give you a sense of refreshment like none other.

Snigdha Priyadarshini
I am currently a second year pursuing B.Tech Biotechnology. My interests include writing, debating, entrepreneurship and biology. I'm an avid debater (proud member of DebSoc!) and I wrote for a blog called "Milkshake from Mars". I've previously worked as Head of PR and Outreach for 2 student run organisations- Stimulus (NGO working with psychology, cognitive behaviour and neuroscience) and Hoomans of Calcutta. I started public speaking as early as 6th grade, writing shortly after that and I haven't stopped ever since. Random bits of information- I hate when people spell my name wrong and I am an ice-cream enthusiast.
Ishita Mavinkurve
After a long day that drags on, the one thing Ishita loves the most is to grab a pen and paper, and garble her thoughts out. She seeks comfort in words, and if there's ever a day you can't find her, she's probably in a cozy little blanket lost in a book. For Ishita, reading is therapy, and writing catharsis. Apart from this, she absolutely loves to cook, and almost always has music playing in the background. If you ever want an opinion on anything under the sun, she's your girl. Currently studying biotechnology, she has big plans for her future, and she loves anyone who's willing to listen to her rant about them.