All the latest coverage on the Humanitarian front
With one end of the spectrum taking a knee for “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" while the other stands accused of "Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity", have you not wondered what exactly is happening around you? Be it the loud chorus of the CAA and NRC violating human rights in India, or the Mass Atrocities committed by hegemonous dictators and foreign governments it is clear that the world isn’t as perfect as utopian media outlets make it out to be. You may have your rights but they come with a solemn duty. A duty to be informed of what's happening around you. VIT Today brings to you an unfiltered take of a new generation on issues of pertinence.
Swastik Shukla
Swastik Shukla is a sophomore at VIT Vellore pursuing his BTech degree in Computer Science whose primary interest, although in the contrast, lies in International Relations and Law. Being equally invested in both fields give him enough management experience as well. Keeping a keen interest in Football and gaming, he calls himself the realest Cudi fan. He plans to join some multinational company post his undergrad.

Ishika Sancheti
Ishika is an avid reader and a boyband geek. She has been writing poetry and prose for a few years now and truly believes in the power of words. You can almost always find her obsessing over Plath and Yeats. She is also actively trying to educate herself about international history and holds a passion for politics and cricket.