All the latest from the Technology Sector
The first technological invention dates back about two million years which makes it pretty safe to assert that, humankind has come a long way. Trends have shown us that the rate of technological developments is pretty much exponential, so if you're expecting a Skynet based Doomsday(Hasta La Vista), that may be just around the corner. That in mind, it is always fascinating to hear about the latest innovations in technology, and what better way of piquing your interests than by gauging a look through an engineers lens.
Zain Banday
It is said that dreams are what the mind conceives, the heart desires and the soul believes. I have always been a dreamer enchanted by the infinite possibilities hidden among the pages of books only waiting for you to turn them over. Besides being a total sucker for books, I am very active in public speaking, crypto trading and all things entrepreneurship. Being a writer is another step in my journey of discovery and expression. Coming from a tech background providing my insight into the inner workings of emerging technologies and tech startups will hopefully bring cognizance to my readers.

Avyay M Casheekar
I am an undergraduate majoring in Computer Science. I like working with projects related to the fields of technological ethics and law. I like to explore niche areas of Machine Learning and approach the theoretical aspects of these concepts. Thought experiments, reconstructing models and testing out latest language AI is what I spend most of my spare time on. I can play several instruments in a western classical setting and love listening to composers from Wagner to Prokofiev to relax.
I've also spent time working on other tech fields in the course of my short, at-home college life.