The latest from popular culture
Culture is not just food, art, and fashion. It is a way of life. Popular culture helps heterogeneous masses of people to identify themselves as a community. It keeps on moving and changing but it strengthens us as a society. Time and again it challenges us to critically analyze the world we live in and always manages to leave us surprised. We are 'Pop Culture'.
Raghav Ahuja
I'm a second year student majoring in computer science. I like escapism through the forms of movies and books, thinking I can find some sort of deeper meaning of life by interacting with these storytelling mediums. Along with that, I like reading up on what's happening in the world and all the social issues that plague us. I hope to do my part to make this world better.

Gauri Hiran
I’m someone who is constantly curious and love learning about different things . I enjoy reading a lot and would be the go to person if you wanted a random fact.