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How marketers influence your decision to buy more

Pratap Kadam

In this difficult time of COVID 19, many people are going through a financial crisis. Managing expenses is a difficult task. Even if you plan to spend less, brands and marketers are doing everything possible to persuade you to buy more and the dark part is you fall for it! It’s not your fault but it's your brain! Brands know how to influence you.

Understanding the basics of Neuro-marketing will help you make your decisions without falling for marketers traps.

The neuro behind marketing - study suggests that 90% of your decisions are made by your subconscious mind the same as the iceberg floats not because of what’s above the water but what under the water.

And there are two forces of subconscious mind that affect your conscious mind to make decisions, and these 2 forces are,

  1. Genetic programming

  2. Life experiences

Genetic programming -: Our evolution from beginning till now has programmed us to:

  • Avoid danger

  • Avoid starvation

  • Procreation

Here is how these 3 programs are turned into marketing tactics / offers by the marketers

  1. Avoid danger, known is safer -: Buy what is bought by the most. (based on reviews and ratings on products)

  2. Avoid starvation -: FOMO, Limited seats available, 30%, 40% off sales

  3. Procreation -: Advertisements with sexual undertones and/or showing babies in advertisements

Life experiences -: Over lifespan we live our life and accumulate experiences which end up consciously and subconsciously determining our actions, our decisions and our genetic predisposition without being too technical. You see it's all about two things, Pleasure and Displeasure.

  • Pleasure is needed, right?- Whenever we have a pleasant experience we will be drawn to repeat that experience. If somehow a product or service can make us have such a pleasant experience we will buy it. And if we look for the reason, it is Dopamine that rushes in our body making us feel good and happy.

  • Displeasure, To be avoided- Fear appeal , Using strong visuals, ads can draw on hidden fears. Some ads draw on personal fears while others draw on the sense of losing something good may motivate people to buy things.

Now, as we have understood the reason behind our cravings to buy things. Next time whenever you go to market you will be able to make more conscious decisions.

Henceforth, when you will see an advertisement on your screen you will be able to understand how the marketer is trying to trap you and your inner voice saying, NOT THIS TIME :)


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