Social Media coverage on war torn zones
Russia invading Ukraine wasn’t the first war to occur during social media, but it was the most impactful, coming at a time when apps like...
Raghav Ahuja
Mar 2, 20224 min read

NFTs- a new form of mainstream art?
What is NFT? NFT stands for non-fungible tokens; to understand their functioning, let’s understand the meaning of fungible. Fungibility...
Raghav Ahuja
Dec 9, 20215 min read

The Power and Responsibility of Media!
With the advent of technology, accessibility of information and news has increased for us, but at what cost?
Raghav Ahuja
Nov 3, 20216 min read

R Kelly's Conviction- did it change anything?
On September 27, 2021, Robert Sylvester Kelly (R Kelly), an American singer, was finally convicted on various counts, including but not...
Raghav Ahuja
Oct 13, 20214 min read

No Such Thing as Good Media-Representation
There are tons of movies, tv, books, and video games made for different audiences that come out every year. Each of these is usually...
Sachin Kishan
Oct 8, 20215 min read

China’s crackdown, explained
On 27 August 2021, all tv shows and movies featuring the actress Zhao Wei were removed from the internet without any explanation, it was...
Raghav Ahuja
Sep 29, 20215 min read