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Mental wellness and building immunity during the pandemic

Ananya Chouhan

Ever felt weak and gloomy despite eating well?

The reason is, you can give your body all the right kinds of food, yet it will not reflect in its performance unless it is absorbed. Sound sleep and a well-rested mind are just as important as food intake. We often neglect our sleeping patterns for binge-watching shows or surfing the internet. Due to practices like work from home, people spend many hours in front of screens. Another rising concern is Vitamin-D deficiency which is a result of staying indoors, away from the sunlight. A few minutes of exposure to the sunlight and 15-20 minutes of meditation is something I would recommend. It is imperative to be calm and positive in these trying times.

A balanced diet is vital for a healthy life. Health and the immune system are of

utmost priority with all the viruses surrounding us.

Here's a list of 5 simple foods that help build immunity at home:

1. Citrus fruits like limes, oranges and kiwi provide Vitamin C, a vital vitamin for

fighting infections and viruses.

2. Turmeric, an authentic part of every Indian kitchen, works very well when it

comes to immunity. An ideal way to consume it is with milk. Additionally, it can

be added to daily food.

3. Green tea helps detox the body. Spirulina infused green tea by The Healthy

Company is my go-to option.

4. Almonds and other dry fruits like walnuts, cashews and dates give instant

energy and build immunity.

5. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage and broccoli are a rich source

of fibre and essential vitamins like A, C and E. You could try variations of

these by including them in soups and salads.

The alarming rise of cases and casualties has caused severe mental health

implications. Practising yoga and breathing exercises go a long way in building lung

health as well as mental peace.

Stay home, stay healthy and stay sane!


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