Social Media coverage on war torn zones
Russia invading Ukraine wasn’t the first war to occur during social media, but it was the most impactful, coming at a time when apps like...
Raghav Ahuja
Mar 2, 20224 min read

Understanding Stаtehood, Secession аnd Recognition:
The never-ending legаl bаttle of modern Internаtionаl Lаw The world watched in shock as Vladimir Putin, the Russiаn Heаd of Stаte ordered...
Shubham Rathore
Feb 28, 20229 min read

Birth rate drops to record low in China
The average birth rate of the world is about 18.5 births per 1000 people. In India, it's about 17.64 births per 1000 people. In the...
Jan 21, 20223 min read
Treatment of Aboriginal people in Australia
Every January 26th, there are displays of jingoism and nationalism all across Australia. Australians celebrate this day to commemorate...
Nov 25, 20215 min read

China’s crackdown, explained
On 27 August 2021, all tv shows and movies featuring the actress Zhao Wei were removed from the internet without any explanation, it was...
Raghav Ahuja
Sep 29, 20215 min read

Hurricane Ida: A Long Way to Recovery
Last week, Hurricane Ida slammed into Louisiana from the Gulf of Mexico as a Category 4 storm, knocking out power to more than 1 million...
Joel Konrad Minj
Sep 23, 20213 min read