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From Emotional Chaos to Order

We are all well aware of the theory that your mind has this hidden pocket of deeply planted emotions that come to surface only when you give your body and mind enough mental capacity, time and space to ponder upon them. When your mind is preoccupied with a bajillion thoughts, it eats up your brain’s capacity to reflect upon thoughts, which, although rooted deep down, require attention time-and-again for one’s own mental peace. That is why meditation has been proven to be so reflective; because it is at that point, when you are submerged into meditation, that your body and mind are at utmost peace. Which makes it a path to connect to your truest self. Yet, it is something we rarely practise in our daily lives.

The truth is we are all emotionally cluttered in some way or another. Just like the best way of dealing with an overflowing cupboard is to throw the non-essentials stuff out, the same goes with your thoughts and feelings. When it comes to your emotions, sweeping it under the rug is the most toxic method of handling it because your emotions are something that needs acknowledgement or otherwise, they start eating you from the inside like a disease. This is what we know to be emotional minimalism and from my readings and research, I have gotten to recognize and understand the four pillars of emotional minimalism: commitment, dedication, courage and honesty.

However, we can start building those pillars only when we first accept the need to submit to the process. Denial is the biggest barricade in this journey of emotional decluttering as many of us might think that one, they do not have anything to face, that there is no deep cleaning needed in that ocean of your mind. But we, as humans, are social animals with very many relations and that some way or the other takes a toll on your emotional mind. Two, even after the acknowledgement of an emotional anchor that is weighing you down, you might not want to face it as you may not consider it crucial. For some of us, it becomes tedious to experience, and it expresses how we actually feel, for some, it becomes a very demanding process as they might not be much of an expressive human. But the importance and value of this peace that comes along with a decluttered mind are uncanny because one’s life and relations become so effortless and unpretentious with fewer unresolved and buried emotions.


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