The Power and Responsibility of Media!
With the advent of technology, accessibility of information and news has increased for us, but at what cost?
Raghav Ahuja
Nov 3, 20216 min read

Should India kill the death penalty?
No fundamental right is without riders. Free speech, property and faith, all these are rights subject to reasonable restrictions. Yes,...
Eshan Bajaj
Oct 16, 20214 min read

R Kelly's Conviction- did it change anything?
On September 27, 2021, Robert Sylvester Kelly (R Kelly), an American singer, was finally convicted on various counts, including but not...
Raghav Ahuja
Oct 13, 20214 min read

The curious case of Afghan National Defence Security Forces (ANDSF)
In every part of the world, regardless of the field of activity, it is generally accepted that the team/institution with the most...
Garvit Gosain
Oct 10, 20217 min read

The Big Quit and its repercussions
The start of the pandemic did not look promising for employees; they were being laid off in big numbers and also witnessing salary cuts....
Ananya Chouhan
Oct 4, 20213 min read

The Curious Case of Judicial Appointments
At the bottom of all tributes paid to the judiciary is the little man, walking into a little court, with a little case, and making a...
Eshan Bajaj
Sep 30, 20214 min read