The Reality of Love-jihad
In this article we take a look at the new law in Uttar Pradesh commonly known as "love-jihad", its features, and arrests.
Dec 8, 20203 min read

Rethinking Representation - Part 1: Character
A film passes the Bechdel Test if it features two or more women talking about anything other than a man. The bar seems to be too low,...
Aditya Srinivasan
Dec 1, 20203 min read

Preventing Gender Based Violence During a Pandemic
Due to this Pandemic situation, many countries have been and are going through this lockdown situation. Unfortunately, domestic abuse...
Nov 24, 20203 min read

The Enemy of my Enemy: Why Men Need Feminism
The modern Men’s Rights Movement is little more than a reactionary uprising against the feminist movement, mostly populated by right wing...
Aditya Srinivasan
Nov 17, 20203 min read

The Impact of Music Videos on our Society
How it impacts our society Music videos are one medium where values and ideals are commonly presented to kids and young teens today. The...
Nov 11, 20203 min read

Clearing the Stage: The Case for Deplatforming
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Milo Yiannopoulos (and many other “freethinkers and rationalists” that have abused their privilege and...
Aditya Srinivasan
Nov 3, 20203 min read