We all listen to a lot of music daily and lots of time we find ourselves jamming with the songs that we love the most. Now there are 2 parts about that song that attracts you the most, the music and the lyrics. Today let us talk about how important it is to write meaningful lyrics that go along with the music because it doesn't make sense if you write a breakup related lyric for an EDM track that is supposed to pump up people.
For the start let me put it this way if you are a freelance lyricist and you are hired by a set of producers to write a song for them. Your first step as a songwriter is to get an idea of what the producers want this song to be about, who it is targeting, and what its overall structure is going to be like. Usually, the producers always figure out the vocal line they want for the particular section, so they provide the songwriter with the music and rough vocal lines so that they can start filling up the vocal lines with words and lyrics aimed towards the ideology of the song. As a songwriter you need to open up yourself to all the words out there, do not follow the same rhyming scheme over and over again and you need to listen to the tracks with the vocal lines multiple times, to get a meaningful output.
Now when it comes to singers or producers who are songwriters, the overall work and input that goes into the making of the song increases. In their case, they are supposed to compose the music, jam over it again and again to obtain the overall structure of the song. Once they are done with it, they start jamming again to write the lyrics. Now some individual artists work differently. In this case, they write the lyrics first, and then the compose the music accordingly. A lot of people out there think that writing a song first and then putting a structure to it is an easy way of songwriting. However, some other people believe that it is usually true in the opposite manner. If you have the structure of the song along with the vocal lines, you can put minimum effort and substitute it with meaningful lines.
However, some of the producers believe that if they know the lyrics initially it is easier for them to compose the song as they have a rough idea about how the song should sound. Due to this pandemic, I also started composing songs and started writing songs as a freelance. In my experience when I compose and write a song, I think of what it should be about, write the structure followed by the vocal lines, and then the lyrics. In a nutshell, songwriting is more about how you portray the ideas of your soul, or should I say soul-writing.