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Passion is overrated

Charizma Gupta

The number of confused people in this world would be less astonishing if we all just admitted that we have no idea what we’re doing.

I’m not sure when the trend of judging ourselves for what we’re doing was absorbed by us. Probably about the same time that we stopped valuing learning and started to put ‘knowing’ on a pedestal. We were told to choose subjects like we understood what the implication of our choices was.

I have no idea where my life is headed. Pick any adult from the crowd, and they’ll tell you the same. Even if they did have an idea about what their future would look like, they were wrong. Because the world they had imagined was based off a world that no longer exists. Who could have thought about working on Macbook Airs in the 90s or telling Alexa to play Despacito?

A person who was passionate about computers in the 90s has a whole different world of electronics to tackle now. Did they know what they were getting into? Hell, no. Life is about not knowing and doing anyway.

That’s the only purpose of plans. To give us direction while the variables that we’re working with don’t change. Those variables always change. All of our lives are going to be like that. It won’t get easier to plan ahead just because we achieve our previous goals. There will never be a guarantee that our plans for the future make sense or help us find our passion.

The hardest part about passion, the future and loving your job is that people think they need some Himalayan retreat to figure out what they like doing. It’s usually right in front of us. What’s the thing that you spend the most time on in a day or in a week? YouTube, sure but what are you watching? What kind of TV Shows? What’s the work you end up volunteering for or getting given in your clubs and chapters? What are the things that your friends come to you for? What do you talk about?

You’re already good at something and enjoying something. Maybe they’re not things you’re ready to turn into a career yet or ever. But that’s your passion right now, and it’s okay for it to not be your work. In fact, it’s okay if it changes. It often does. Passion is a result of action. You don’t do the things you are passionate about; you are passionate about the things that you often do and do well. That’s how my mother, who dreamed of being a lawyer as a girl, grew to love being a doctor. The world is a fascinating place. You could become passionate about the functioning of a leaf if you gave it enough of a study. So, stop trying to find your passion. A child doesn’t go to the park and ask how to find fun. They just go, and they have fun. Sometimes they get hurt and sometimes it’s boring, but that doesn’t make them judge themselves for going to the park in the first place.

The truth is there are already many things that you enjoy and are passionate about, enjoy them. Don’t live in misery because of some vague idea that everything you do, especially work, has to be a part of them.

Until next time,



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