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The Pandemic of Our Generation- A New Perspective.


The 1900s to the 2000s is a significantly recorded period where connectivity and mass telecommunication blossomed and expedited. The world of science has expanded on all fronts and horizons, to the point that we have left many behind. The common masses lack basic information to make sound judgements wherein the uncertainty and void of information in their minds has led to far fetched decision making. Yes, people certainly did inject disinfectants in their bodies because the president of America “sarcastically joked” about it.

“Coronavirus” and “Pandemic” has become banal in every household but this oddly realistic simulation of Plague inc. that we are living in is not a topic to eschew from. This version of our reality is not close to being over. In fact, maybe it is time we let the reality of our situation set in instead of hoping to go back to our old accustomed habits. This is a situation we have inadvertently sprung upon ourselves. From denial about climate change, to following questionable ethics that suited our current needs without a thought for the future, we have inexorably paved the pathway for our demise. It is important we educate ourselves about our choices and embrace a life of cautious living.

Overpopulation is not a myth. Climate change is not a myth. Antibiotic resistance is not a myth. The world we live in today has far surpassed the basics we learn. There are numerous reasons that could’ve caused COVID-19 pandemic. Over-exploitation of animal products with a perfidy of hygiene practices, toxic political leverage practices with bioweaponry, breach in bioethics and research practices topped by a lack of accountability, increased use of medicine for our ease leading to faster and more dangerous evolutionary and beneficial mutations for microbes. The underlying basis of all this is that our practices need to change. Awareness amongst crowds needs to be built through proper channels and thus inculcating an ideology of change and acceptance will get us through times like this. We have had Ebola, Swine flu, SARS, MERS and now SARS- CoV-2 (covid-19) outbreak in the last decade. And unfortunately, there are more to come.

We have paved this path and maybe going back is not the answer but living a more conscious lifestyle observing ethics and methods by which we derive our product is indispensable. We need to be aware of the effects of the products we use before it reaches us and after it has left us. Nature works in marvelous ways and if we do not restore its balance, it will restore it against our will. The pandemic sees no rich or poor, no caste or colour, but some niches of society definitely suffer more than others. Put yourself in their shoes and think about their families and lives. In the end we are all the same. Maybe it was that one kid in class that caused the ruckus, but we all end up in detention. It is time we stand on a united front, accept our deeds and change our ways with all this time we have on our hands. Let us all feel for those struggling with adversity in the dark, with no awareness or help, and rather than leaving them be, let's make it our responsibility to integrate them. After all, we are all the same, just lucky to be born in a different household.

Here are some points that I have researched for you to remember to get you through the pandemic.

  1. SARS-CoV- 2 is the scientific name given to the virus afflicting the disease- COVID-19. The number 19 signifies that the originating cases of the disease were from the year 2019.

  2. A virus has an outer coat of lipid and proteins. Hence rubbing soap on the exposed regions of skin helps in breaking down the viral capsule, leading to its degradation. However, once it is inside your body, it enters your cells for replication and hence injection or consumption of disinfectants cannot help. But improving your immunity will help your body fight any infection. The best way to fight a viral disease is by enhancing our immunity through nutrition, exercise and good mental health.

  3. 70% ethanol/ alcohol is a good disinfectant but is not fit for consumption. The alcohol we consume is generally between 4% to 20% and is not strong enough to qualify as a disinfectant.

  4. A vaccine expedites the process of adapting our immunity to the exposure of such a virus and hence empowers it. On initial exposure to a pathogen, our immunity is not able to recognize it and appropriately attack it. It takes about 7-14 days for our immunity to be well equipped to protect our body against the virus. But on subsequent exposures to the same strain of virus, our immunity has a much faster response and is able to eliminate the virus before it can establish itself in our body. Using this principle, a vaccine is a method of sufficiently exposing our immunity to the viral proteins of the strain without actually infecting our body with the disease, as the medium used lacks the ability to be infectious. Hence if after being vaccinated, when our body is exposed to the infection causing virus, our immunity can recognize it faster due to previous exposure and eliminate it.

  5. The faster any organism reproduces, the higher chances of it acquiring mutations. Some mutations lead to an evolutionary benefit which means that their susceptibility to previously used methods to control them may not be further viable. Therefore, we are warned about the incorrect or overuse of antibiotics and are directed to have these medicines as prescribed by our doctor.

  6. Symptoms of COVID-19 have been varying and mutations are speculated. It is therefore advised to practice precaution. The symptoms of the disease can take up to 14 days to develop or a person can even be a carrier and remain asymptomatic. Maintaining a distance of 6 ft. or more will reduce your chance of being exposed to the disease or even unknowingly being a carrier and exposing others to it.

Updating yourself on the necessary precautions and adhering to it will help you get through this pandemic. With all the time on our hands, we should introspect and work on ourselves. Plan all the lifestyle changes you would want to implement once the lockdown lifts. Do not be a prey to natural selection!


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