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The App Ban and its impact so far

Most of the people by now have come to know of the recent app ban that made 59 apps including popular apps like TikTok, UC browser and Cam Scanner legally prohibited in India, but only some understand the true impact of this. The first thing to understand is how this disruption of China’s digital silk route isn’t just a mere retaliation owing to the tensions, but has deep-rooted concerns related to data security and privacy. These apps had previously also faced suspicion and been under scrutiny because of the way they store and collect user data. The data collected at times isn’t authorised by the users itself and in fact, many sources had complained of their data and privacy being compromised. Moreover, to put it simply the data from the apps isn’t stored locally in India but in China, and under the laws present there, the Chinese government can get access to this data without any problem or negative consequences from the companies that own these apps.

This is exactly where India’s concern lies and hence these apps were banned under the Section 69A of Information Technology Act, 2000 which allows the central government or an official authority vested with similar powers to block or ban public access of such information if it feels that it is necessary to do so in the best interest of our nation’s sovereignty and security. Just a day after the ban was imposed, application stores such as Apples App Store and Google play store stopped the option for installing Tik Tok and various internet service providers have been provided with a notice to prevent the access to these applications. As for apps that do not require an active internet connection, new installations won’t be possible in the future but downloaded versions use can be continued. The most important question, however, is the impact this has caused. Unlike the physical goods ban which could have a negative implication on India itself, the digital ban’s effect is far greater. With almost a 20-30% userbase in India, reports say that ByteDance Ltd. which owns TikTok and two other apps which were banned has already lost 60 Billion USD.

Even if we overlook the obvious hit the ban will have on various companies revenue, the opportunity that it presents for Indian tech companies who were trying to make way in the market is immense. Many see this is a way for creating apps that can act as a substitute and also help in making us self reliant. Be it fashion retail websites such as Ajio or social networking apps like Share Chat, all see the ban as an exciting opportunity for them to venture into the market and gain new customer bases. The ban’s permanence is still in question, but even so, the move could possibly set an example for other nations who are also questioning the troubling consequences related to data privacy of these applications. With the PM’s surprise visit to Ladakh, it is obvious that tensions with China will not be easing anytime soon and the app ban could play as a tactful measure against the expansionist plans of China.

In another world perhaps, British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell has been finally arrested for her alleged pivotal role in Jeffery Epstein’s criminal enterprise. Epstein who died last year in his prison cell was a convicted sex offender responsible for trafficking young girls into an international scheme that ruined the lives of many. While many survivors were left disappointed and without justice after Epstein’s death, Maxwell’s arrest provides a new hope for them and at the same time could prove to be quintessential in uncovering the high profile clients such as Prince Andrew and many political figures who were accused of being a part of this horrendous sex trafficking scheme. Epstein and his associates were able to escape the law for a long time owing to the money and power they possessed. Netflix, the huge media-service provider recently launched a documentary reviewing the case and talking to the survivors who have not yet received the justice they deserve. With Ghislaine Maxwell in custody, the investigation sees a new turn and has shaken up many famous and powerful personalities whose names were involved in the scandal.


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