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Taking a Break.

If we express ourselves in terms of the regrets and resentments that we carry, how heavy would you weigh then?

-textualhour (Instagram)

From the very beginning of time, we have observed changes, in the form of evolution to be more precise. A few processes instigated these changes, and we call them inventions. Inventions are necessary to understand our development cycles. As such, one of the greatest creations of mankind was the wheel which changed how we lived. It made transportation possible, which helped in information and culture exchange which brought in new ideologies, policies and also stigma. But it’s alright. While the world is composed of many different, sometimes opposing, forces, these can coexist and even complement each other. Sometimes, forces opposite in nature even rely on one another to exist.

Inventions also bring the desire of more, perhaps in terms of quantity or more in terms of quality, efficient and time-saving which leads to what usually translates into plethoric buying sprees in the form of competing with yourself or others which either way consumes a lot of our time, resources. Our thinking is shaped by dualism. Entrance, exit. Black, white. Good, evil. Everything appears as opposite pairs. But that’s wrong in the same notion as it is wrong to assume that there is a set of guidelines that we ought to follow in this cult or also the fact that it is a cult practice with a well-defined set of rules and guidelines that are followed.

At the point when you embrace a moderate way to deal with life (and work), it can take some effort to change. It's especially troublesome in case you're somebody who might see themselves as something contrary to a minimalist, a maximalist?

To counter an activity, it needs a little dedication and practice. From buying excess to gathering a needed quantity embraces the flavour that tags along in it. It makes you appreciate quality over quantity and longevity over bulk. Similarly, instead of bottling up your needs and desires, divide them into smaller fractions and associate them with your daily routine, in the form of taking a break and rewarding yourself by constantly reminding yourself to savour every portion of it and live in the moment. After all, minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding Liberty. Liberty from fear. Liberty from worry. Liberty from overwhelm. Liberty from guilt. Liberty from depression. Liberty from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around. Real Liberty.


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