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Sea Inside

When I walk down the shoreline of a beach, I feel the tiny bits of sand fondling my bare feet, I feel the beat of the breeze mixing my soul, I look up into the sky, I see bundles of cotton skimming, I see an angel wing or some can imagine a mermaid’s tail! The sun was the visitor that flew from cloud to cloud. All seemed calm and serene as I stood there; yet out of nowhere my excitement for the scenery appeared to blur gradually as my mind drifted when a teenager started yelling at a man, who stepped on his sandcastle.

Life is like a beach, magnificent and abundant with distractions. It’s you who should decide what is worth your attention. The waves that gush into you are the opportunities that try to touch you, yet much like the tides, these opportunities seem to go away if you are not present at the moment to capture. It is you who ought to seize the opportunity.

When we become the captives of our past, we stop focusing on the good in our lives, and much like footprints that are washed away with wave's spurt, our focus disappears every time we let negativity win over. Your life can have the “anywhere door”, you just have to knock on the right one by fixating your goal.

Most of us are easily distracted by the negative thoughts lurking around us in the shadows of life which not only obstruct us from focusing on the good in our lives but also plant the seeds of anxiety and depression. Mind Management is the essence of life management. You alone can choose the way you react. In fact, spare ten minutes every day to think about negative thoughts that concern you most but then promise yourself not to acknowledge any negativity for the rest of the day.

Once you allow people to distract your thoughts or your mental peace, you sanction someone else to lead your life. Choose your response and be the Baywatch of your own life, don’t let others lead your life.

Remember that humans exfoliate physically, so let’s do the same with our minds and remove the baggage of the past so that fresh thoughts can come together creating our own unique cloud outline.


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