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Ruined: A Book Review

Ruined is supposed to be a ghost story, and it is a story about a ghost, but it's not what I expected. It's not scary, or thrilling or any of the things a ghost story is supposed to be. It's just a story about a girl, who happens to be a ghost.

The plot: "Rebecca couldn’t feel more out of place in New Orleans. She’s staying in a creepy house with her aunt, who reads tarot cards because her father had to go to Japan for a few months. At her snooty prep school, a pack of filthy-rich girls treat Rebecca like she’s invisible. Only gorgeous, unavailable Anton Grey gives Rebecca the time of day, but she wonders if he’s got a hidden agenda. Then one night, in Lafayette Cemetery, Rebecca makes a friend: sweet, mysterious Lisette. There’s just one catch.

Lisette is a ghost.

A ghost with a deep, dark secret, and a serious score to settle. As Rebecca is drawn into a web of curses and cryptic customs, she uncovers startling truths about her own history. Will Rebecca be able to right the wrongs of the past, or has everything been ruined beyond repair?”

Rebecca and Lisette are both great characters and could've had a lot more depth, but we don't really get to know them, and it's the same with all the other characters. We are given glimpses of their personality, but then they just end up going flat. They are not developed enough for my liking.

It is a nice, easy read, as the writing is fairly simple, but I did find it quite slow-paced, and the subtle romance does little to move the story along. The eerie atmosphere expected from a ghost story just does not exist. Although I love how Morris presents the history of New Orleans, most of the details seem unnecessary as they do little to contribute to the storyline.

In the last few chapters, things do pick up when the truth is finally revealed, and there are potential murders and sacrifices, but the book ends just as it starts to get interesting.

Overall, this book dripped with potential. I enjoyed the writing and the overarching plot, but the details left me very underwhelmed. It did manage to keep me interested but didn't grip me the way I’d expect a ghost story to. If you are looking for a scary ghost story, this isn't the book for you, but if you want an easy read with a mystery twist, then this may be the book you're looking for.


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