Netiquette- “rules of etiquette that apply when communicating over computer networks, especially the Internet.”
We are constantly exposed to social media, in the time and age where we are on the internet 24/7 its becomes absolutely essential to maintain netiquette. As new trends in communications emerged, online communication is being increasingly used. So, the importance of netiquette has been emphasized increasingly in the current times.
We are regularly sharing and engaging with people online, many of which are strangers. So how do we practice netiquette? Well there are certain tips that we can follow to ensure that everyone has a good time browsing the net:

1. Don’t overshare
Keep the content meaningful and precise. here is no need for people to know that you just ate lunch, or that you just went to the washroom.
2. Grammar
It’s okay to use acronyms sometimes, especially since some platforms limits word count; but there is no reason for every word to be misspelled. Grammar is also important. A comma can change the whole meaning of a sentence.
3. Thing before you say something
Don’t say something you wont say otherwise say in real life. Watch your words and online manners, don’t hurt someone intentionally or unintentionally. So please, be nice.
4. Do not spam
Spamming can waste your and receiver’s time. Spamming can also lead to legal issues, violating it could cost you some hefty monetary penalties.
Virtual meetings are now a common thing. So, learning the rules of netiquette is very essential for a good career.
Companies are increasingly searching for information about their potential employees online before hiring them. They are assessing our behaviour through the information we upload on the internet.
Our digital footprints are increasingly becoming important in deciding our future. So, it is important to follow netiquette even on social media and other online platforms to get a good job.
Netiquette should be taught in schools, colleges and also through crash courses to prevent unwarranted situations such as online bullying, damage to personal reputation etc. As even little controversies are going viral these days, the importance of teaching netiquette to everyone is now more than before.
By following the rules of netiquette, we can build a good reputation, which will help in our offline life.