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Shruti Pandey

Mind-Mapping and Decluttering

Us millennials, being people whose minds are jam-packed with daydreams and empirical to-dos, our brains are naturally overwhelmed with thoughts overflowing every second of every minute. Sometimes to the extent that often we need to trace back our thoughts to understand where this chain began from.

After emotional decluttering we land on the essentiality of decluttering our brain, a part that doesn’t get to rest even when you’re asleep. Let us first dive into the concept of mind mapping, an efficient practice to put down your thoughts on paper. It’s something that helps you exercise both the creative and logical sides of your brain and aids you to comprehend your thoughts.

The basic idea of mind-mapping is to take a pen and some paper and start in the centre by mentioning the overall topic or the aim. Then, use branches and sub-branches to further jot down various aspects and elements that keep popping into your head. Now, this does not have to be neat. Just pen down everything, every thought and leave nothing unwritten. The key here is to be as authentic as possible. A mind map is a reflection of one’s personality and individuality, like fingerprints, each of us has a unique way around it.

How this helps is mind mapping uses every aspect of your brain, be it logical, emotional, imagination, memory or any other. It is equivalent to the process of you cleaning up your house or tidying up your wardrobe. All that was initially clammed up in your brain in a haphazard manner will now be presented in front of you in an extensively illustrative way and trust me that is exhilarating because you will now have that vision clearly presented in front of you. Whatever be your style, plotting your thoughts and ideas will help you think clearly.


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