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Is Materialism really a social issue?

Contrary to popular belief, research and prevailing theories state that materialism is in fact a social issue.First let us throw some light on what materialism actually means. Attraction towards anything that is made up of matter and holds monetary apprize is the simplest form of definition that materialism holds. It is quite easy to give into something that is magnificent to the eye or appealing to your mind especially in this new generation where aesthetic appeal or pragmatism holds more value than ethics, authenticity or legitimacy. Peer pressure is also a topping to the cake because what you see is what you want or who you want to be.

Materialism is such a common notion now, practically everything has taken up its shape that there is hardly any room left for genuine and honest people. Social media influencers,actors or even your closest friends always tend to show you the superficial life that they seem to exist in, rather than stating out their struggles and the harsh realities. It would almost be crazy to do that because then you are just seeking attention and sympathy, aren’t you?

There’s a never ending trend to what people can say and make you feel about yourselves. The power that speech gives them is always used to its fullest potential. Such attributes give rise to inferiority issues, pretentiousness, greed and so much more. The way they dress,the poolside parties they have, the luxurious dates they go on,or the mansion sized buildings they live in, nobody ever leaves a chance to show it off. Again,why shouldn't they? If you got it, might as well flaunt it.

The problem doesn’t lie there,the problem lies in creating a monism where they crave to be someone else so badly that realism takes a back seat. Fashion and lifestyle trends too can have an impact on how both teenagers and adults communicate with each other in society. Materialism is not something that creates a divide between the upper and lower classes. Both kinds can exhibit it equally as it is a trait that they possess or gradually acquire over the years to fit into the so-called system. Co-existing with people of different mindsets is a difficult task to do after all, while making sure that you don’t compromise on your moral values and principles.

There are several kinds of Materialism as stated by books which can vary from idealism, pluralism and dualism to panpsychism and so on, but it totally depends on how you see it. Many would contradict when I say that materialism is a social issue but the contemporary world has innumerable examples of people who find it extremely difficult to live in the society or just simply get along with the materialistic people they hang out with. It is quite surprising to see how any worldly object can levy such an importance in someone’s life more than the person themself.

Originality, creativity and simplicity have been negated in considering humankind and materialism is welcomed with open hands.So if we aren’t ready to accept honesty in its most unadulterated form and would rather run behind sprees of materialism,are we really doing justice to the concept of society and co-existence? Well,the answer lies behind your own thinking and how you decide to approach certain things in life. For now however, let’s just conclude with Marx’s reflection on Materialism and an opposing theory to Idealism that states,”Human societies and their cultural institutions are nothing but the outgrowth of their collective economic activity.”


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