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Failure: A Crucial Ingredient of Success

So, what is failure? Why is it so essential to fail before we can excel at something? When we think about failure, we assume that failure is a traumatic situation that causes emotional turmoil. But those who have known and rebounded from true failure, comprehend that it is vital for success. If you're striving to go through life without failing at anything, then you are not really living a healthy life.

When a child starts to walk for the first time, she's going to tumble down several times. This is a failure for her. She might fall down a lot of times, but she will surely walk one day.

We need to understand that failing is a natural and necessary process. It is an essential part of life, no matter how much it hurts, through failure, we learn the greatest lessons that life can offer us. Thomas Edison nearly failed 10,000 times to create a commercially viable electric light bulb, with each setback he gained the knowledge of one more avenue that did not work. It was his experience of nearly 10,000 failures that eventually contributed to his success.

Unlike Edison, many of us avoid the prospect of failure. In fact, we’re so centred on not failing that we don’t aim for success, but settling for a life of mediocrity. When we make missteps, we gloss over them, selectively altering out the miscalculations or mistakes in our life’s resume.

Failure is acceptable. But surrendering is not acceptable. One of the best ways to recover from failure is to understand that it's okay to fail. Even if you have failed and the loss has been incredibly painful, giving up is never acceptable. Keep failing again and again. Continue doing so until you succeed. Success will taste a lot sweeter once you get to it. Evaluate your past goals and see how consistent you have been about your ambitions. Occasionally, failure results from not setting the targets in the right way. Not only do we have to set goals the right way, but we also have to monitor them and review them regularly. Remember, failure will take you on a path that you might not want to go on, but the reality of the situation is that those journeys will help to mould and shape you into a better person.


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