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Education: Shaping Lives

Rishit Pranjal

Education as defined in terms of knowledge, is a process through which an

individual goes through to gain what is known to the world but not to

him or her. People often think that education is a parameter to define the

capability of an individual to do a particular thing. In the modern-day Indian

Society, we often tend to confuse education as a way to earn money and get a

good job, forgetting the value of skill. It’s not the term but it’s the system that is

to be put to blame. A student needs education as well as skills and these two are

connected and will be connected. Formal education does play an important role

in transforming the individual. But this education must not be means to only

impart the above said points.

Speaking of education, people see it as a multi branch tree. The root being the

education that determines which branch will get the most nutrition and which of

them will grow stronger than the others. But what can these branches be? Well

that depends on the interest of the child, on parental, societal and peer pressure. The strongest branch may or may not depend on the field the student is pursuing. This leads to a conflict in the mind of parents and students, leading to

question their decisions.

Education can also be seen as a parallel connection of roads, unlike branching,

things in this case go hand in hand. Specially when in a world full of competition,

you have to be jack of all trades and also master of all. One important aspect which college students think is mandatory is internship. Internship is a parallel road which students have started to drive on. This gives them a chance to absorb from others, figure out what he/she likes and which branch needs to be cut off, which needs more water and sunlight. This also helps to provide a real-world experience to students with mixing of practical and theory. Internship also helps to bring a touch of professionalism and work on networking.

Well, coming across the word networking, it is quite important to start networking in college. Why? It helps in the exchange of information and ideas among people which in turns shapes the individual and helps in personal development. For students who want to pursue higher education but unfortunately come from a poor background, where donation is never an option seek for the golden ticket or what we call “Scholarship.”

Many students as soon as confronted about the idea of generating side income,

say that they see it as a way to support their family. It maybe due to realisation of

independency or a mere change in thought process of satisfying their personal

needs by themselves. There are some roads which are parallel to the line of education but they have deep potholes and broken bridges. These are depression, anxiety, fear of rejection etc. These are some phases which cannot be eradicated completely from the stream, rather these must be taken good care of. What leads to them? As stated earlier schooling or learning has more to do with marks and grades as stated earlier, the agents that drive students to unwanted paths are the unappreciated lifestyle of college students, poor grades, the habit of procrastination, stress etc.

When you live in a system where you are judged by the amount of preps and

projects you have completed, it is quite evident that procrastination will be a

factor. Now, that makes it clear why people attend those time-management

sessions! The students studying at universities need to manage their schedules

and prioritise things. You get a lot of opportunities during that time, be it clubs,

subject related research, thesis, sports and much more. Besides the question is

how does a child coming out from a school where he/she was spoon fed, manage with such heavy opportunities and more than that acquire or learn from that.

Now, the most obvious question is how to manage time and grow away from

negative slices of college life? We learn from our mistakes, Depression, anxiety

and other problems must be tackled by growing out in a tactical manner. Learn

its cause and see that you are your own judge. Judging yourself prior to presenting to the world gives an upper hand for deletion of many problems and help overcome basic mistakes. What so ever maybe you field of education or your subject, the process of learning does help to bring a sense and a method in you to overcome these situations.

It doesn’t matter how many sessions of time-management you attend, you need

to prioritise things and time automatically gets managed. On a short note, it is quite important that education be taken care of nevertheless the system be improved, but remember you make the best out of something only when you know how to make it. So, go out there and keep the course of learning always on.


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