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Again it all comes back to China!

This would be my third article on China! Why all the news end up by stating the controversy on China? Even the news channel, News app are constantly posting and explaining at least 2 informative news and updates on China. This is so because now everything comes back to China. Even a small factory opening in Vietnam is related to do something with China.

So what recently happened was Donald Trump raised the concern with its allied member states to make a stronger Quad Group defend China. It is by far that China has won the so-called ‘No-Ammunition’ war against the whole world. So in defence, especially the US and India are fighting against China to take revenge for what it has damaged.

First, we will discuss the Indo-China dispute at the LAC. As mentioned in my previous articles about the combat against China at Pangong Tso and Aksai Chin area, India is deliberately countering its neighbour to fall back. To this, the PLA army is not following it.

Seeking help from the Quad can overcome this dispute with China at LAC? The answer will be No!. though this an international matter to resolve but a Quad group cannot effectively help India to counter its very own neighbour. But what the group can do is:- they can unite for maritime security in the Indo-Pacific region, provide alternatives to Belt and Road initiatives, cooperation in 5G, cyberspace, and other areas like Artificial Intelligence. This will help to counter China in economic and financial terms which can be more impactful.

Secondly, speaking of the Quad group, a recently held meeting concluded thinking to include more countries in the group. These countries can be Vietnam, the Philippines, and Cambodia to counteract China from the south-eat pacific region. By this, any threat to a respective country would mean a collective attack on all the members of the group.

Mike Pompeo, in a recent meeting, said to take action on China due to the PLA’s behaviour on Senkaku Islands, Vietnam’s EEZ, and LAC. He also said that China has deployed over 60,000 troops on India’s northern border. This shows how aggressively the US is planning to slam China on various issues and thinking to institutionalize all the issues discussed in the Quad meet.

India is strategically aligning with many other countries such as Saudi-Arabia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates to counter Turkey and Pakistan which are on the same side with China. It is also making pacts with Vietnam and sending military equipment to South-East Asian countries to degrade the belt-road initiative by China.

India is also trying to fund Sri-Lankan airport and the Maldives who were an allied member of China.

So to end, I would say that India is planning to counter China through various indirect ways and not going against them at the war zone. in the long run, there might be a case that India with its allied members may attack China if the PLA army tried to annex any area in the Ladak region.


Vishesh Garg


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